

Pillars of Faith

The Islamic faith rests on 6 pillars.


First Pillar - Faith in God

Believing that there is no other deity besides God. He did not begotten, nor was he begotten, and nothing is comparable to Him. Nothing imaginable (by man) composes his personality and to Him belong the most beautiful names and qualities.


Second Pillar - Faith in Angels

Angels are creatures made from light. They don't disobey God's orders. The highest among them are the angel Gibril (Gabriel), the angel Mikail (Michael), the angel and the angel Israfel.


Third Pillar - Faith in Books

There were other scriptures that God sent to previous peoples, containing the same Message, the delivery to the One God. Thus, the Quran highlights only five, namely: the brochures of Abraham, the Zabur (Psalms) sent to David, the Tauraat (Torah) sent to Moses, the Injil (Gospel) sent to Jesus and the Qur'an (Quran) ) sent to Muhammad (SAAS).


Fourth Pillar - Faith in God's Prophets and Messengers

From Adam to Muhammad (SAAS), thousands of prophets and messengers were sent on earth, each one for his people, being of the same ethnicity, language and custom. Islam lists 25 of them, and the highest are: Muhammad (SAAS), Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

Fifth Pillar - Faith in Predestination

Faith in predestination is divided into two fields:


- The mandatory destination (Alqadar):

Everything that happens without the voluntary intervention of man, for example: gender, clan where he was born, color, height, etc. Everything that man does not intervene is God's destiny, and he will not be judged for it.


- The free destination (Alqadaa):

Everything planned by man is his destiny. God allows it to happen or prevent it (whenever he wants), but man will be judged for it. It is on this basis that there will be the Resurrection, for each human to give an account of how they used the grace of their intelligence and their freedom.


Sixth Pillar - Faith in Life After Death

God holds absolute knowledge, knows what exists and what does not exist, and if it did, what it would be like. By putting intelligence in man, God gave him the power to choose right and wrong, with this, Muslims know they are responsible for their choices.


The Muslim believes in the resurrection and judgment of the Day of Judgment before the Divine Court, over his faith and his actions in his passage here on earth.

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